Practice Areas
Practice Areas
Certain offenses violate federal criminal laws, which have more serious penalties that state criminal charges. If you are charged with a federal crime, you will be charged with a federal crime and taken to federal court. It is imperative that you hire an experienced New York criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
Federal crimes include:
Mail fraud
Identity theft
Immigration fraud
The attorneys at Dusenberry & Dusenberry understand the gravity of federal cases and know what it takes to succeed in these cases, and work tirelessly to ensure that our clients’ rights are protected. If you or a loved one was charged with a federal crime in New York, contact us to learn how I can assist with your case.
Criminal conspiracy occurs when two or more people agree to commit a crime and then take action towards completing the offense. The action taken does not have to be a crime, but must show that the defendants were aware of the plan and intended to commit a crime.
Conspiracy can be charged as a state crime under New York law or a federal crime, depending on the specifics of the alleged offense.
Fraud is a general term that describes various criminal offenses that involve the use of deliberate deception of others for the purpose of financial or personal gain. While certain fraud crimes fall under New York State laws, fraud can also be charged as a federal offense.
As acts of gun violence become more prevalent, the state of New York is cracking down on gun possession and other weapon charges. These convictions often carry harsh penalties and are considered very serious in the eyes of the law. If you were arrested for gun possession, you need an experienced attorney to fight for you. Without someone to protect your rights, you will likely face time in prison and hefty fines.
Penalties for Driving While Intoxicated are severe, and lawmakers continue to legislate stiffer punishment. Depending on the level of intoxication and whether an accident occurred, even a first offense can lead to a felony conviction and jail time. Defendants routinely lose their privilege to drive for months or years, receive thousands of dollars worth of fines, and receive criminal records that in the future affect their insurance and cost them job opportunities. Second or third offenses, or DWI’s charged along with driving without a proper license, carry even more severe penalties.
An accusation of sex crimes, such as rape, sexual abuse, indecent exposure, or forcible touching, can destroy your life. A conviction will result in months or years of jail time, years of mandated counseling and programs, and worst of all, a lifelong placement on the Sex Offender Registry. Society casts a stigma on people accused of sex crimes, even before they are convicted - being charged with a sex crime can cause your friends and family to stop seeing you and destroy your reputation.
Drug charges are some of the most common and most serious reasons for arrest in New York. If you’ve been arrested for possession or distribution of drugs or narcotics, such as cocaine, heroin or marijuana, you could be facing years in prison, heavy fines, and a permanent criminal record as a convicted drug offender. This can prevent you from getting a job or an apartment, and can endanger your custody of your children.
Domestic violence cases are very sensitive. Often, both sides are aggrieved and feel wronged. Orders of protection can lead to entirely new, separate charges and criminal cases. Our lawyers understand the sensitivity of handling domestic violence charges, and have experience in every aspect of their defense. We will work to have your case dismissed when possible, and limit the damage caused by orders of protection while the case is fought.
Arrests for violent crimes, such as assault or weapons charges, can be devastating. Prosecutors ask for jail sentences of years or decades, followed by years of probation and programs. For immigrants, a violent crime conviction can make obtaining U.S. citizenship or residency (a green card) impossible, and often leads to deportation. To the working professional, a conviction can make it next to impossible to find a high-paying job.
(718) 625-1777 | info@dusenberrylaw.com
107 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201

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